Project Waterwell

Part 1

Kenya, Africa –

​In 2019, expanded its outreach and joined the water effort in Kenya, Africa. Throughout the country, families are forced to walk for hours on a daily basis to reach a natural source of water that they will gather and carry back to their families. When reaching their water source, they face the unforgiving dangers of disease, crocodiles, and currents that have, too often, taken lives. Women and children are the primary bearers of this responsibility. The chore is generally done alone, making them prime targets for wild animals, thieves, and abduction. Making matters worse, because of the travel time to and from a water source, children are unable to pursue education, ensuring that poverty becomes an inescapable cycle.

Having developed direct relationships with local Kenyan leaders and having held meetings with U.S.-based organizations such as The Water Project, we were able to build a sand dam and water well that now services the nearly 2,000 people of the Katovya community. As with any structure, the well requires ongoing maintenance. We urge you to visit our website and see our very own Board Members on Kenyan ground, pumping the first streams of clean water for the community.

Kenya, African woman washing a dish
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